My heart is overwhelmed. I just finished a weekend of four concerts, and my heart is full,
to overflowing.
Overwhelmed by grace.
It is only by His grace that I can worship...and I know I can't do it in my own strength. I'm overwhelmed that He has given me this skill (feeble as it often is). But in truth, it means nothing if it isn't for Him. It's moments like this that I recognize my own broken-ness even more and revel in His gift of grace.
Full of joy.
There is nothing that gives me more joy then worshipping the Lord through song. I can't help but smile as I play, and my heart can't help but soar.
Pulled into His embrace.
There is never a sweeter feeling than being pulled into His embrace. Reaching my arms to Him to be comforted and filled with contentment.
Surrounded by peace.
Realizing that peace is something that only comes through Christ. Through Jesus. It creeps into to messy situations, to heartbreak, to loneliness; there is stillness. Recognizing that life is okay, because God is with us. Emmanuel. (Thank you, Aimee!)
I literally sobbed my way home tonight. Overwhelmed by these realizations.
So full of joy, wonder, contentment, and love.
Psalm 34, vs. 3 "Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt His name together."
vs. 8 "Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in Him."