Friday, April 20, 2012

On My Knees

This last months as been full of change. Great change. Hard change. Just change.

I've had some fantastic moments. 
Moments of pure joy and laughter. 
Moments of smiles and awe.
Moments of reveling in beauty and love.

I've also had some ugly moments.
Moments of pain and hurt.
Moments of many questions.
Moments of fear and wonder.

But each moment has brought me to my knees. 
Praising the Lord for His goodness.
Crying out to Him for wisdom and guidance. 
Looking for answers.

Each time, He is there. 
Coming back to me with words of comfort.
Showing me I'm not alone in my decision making.
Bringing me to tears with the people He has placed in my life.
And showing me that I am indeed loved.

Praise the Lord for the things He has done.
Praise Him for moments of hurt.
Praise Him for moments of joy.
Praise Him for bringing me to my knees time and time again.

Find You On My Knees - Kari Jobe

Friday, April 6, 2012

Things I wish...

Here are somethings I wish about myself, both serious and rather ridiculous and in no particular order:

I wish I could speak another language fluently, or at all! Either German or French.

I wish I would put my clothes away, instead of throwing them on the chair or dresser.

I wish I could ride a horse better...this one is one from a few years ago, when I just told my brother randomly when driving down Deerfoot. He thought I was so strange...but I think this may just change soon. :)

I wish I had a better memory. I've never trained myself to remember I forget anything academic or technical in a heart beat.

I wish I could put together a logical argument. Not even a mad argument. Just a "let me prove my point". Doesn't work.

I wish I loved to exercise.

I wish I was naturally musically gifted. Now before you protest and tell me that I am let me explain. I am talented, because I was forced to practice when I was young. That is it. I think it would be fantastic to have the natural gifting paired with the trained knowledge. So good.

I wish I could sing harmony.

I wish I wasn't an anxious person. I try very hard to really "curb" this side of me, as it can run a little rampant in our family and is so unhealthy. But, sometimes it does get the better of me...

I wish I was in my body. I can't touch my toes.

On that note, I do wish I was more flexible and "go with the flow" in my attitude/personality too!

I wish my hair wasn't frizzy.

I wish I was into cooking. I think it would be fanastic to make some amazing meals...but when it actually comes down to making them, I have zero inspiration...

I wish I liked the colour pink more.

I wish I looked good in the colour white. It would be so convenient.

And finally, I wish I were a better writer, making this blog far more interesting than it is.