Thursday, June 23, 2011

Finally here!

Well, the week of insanity of almost past! Tonight is the opening night of The Silver Screen Gala: A Night of Music. Long name, but it works, because it's a *big* concert! Definitely the biggest I've been involved in.

I'm so excited, and so nervous at the same time...I'm having those thoughts of "What is we're terrible?". I know we won't be. We've put in too many hours of work (seriously, hundreds and hundreds and hundreds) to be terrible. There will be some rough spots, but there always is, right?

The music isn't actually stressing me out too much. And I'm really choosing to not be stressed at all, but it's been crazy leading to this point. Who, in their right mind, takes on tickets sales (for over 700 assigned seats), and props, and is concertmaster, and is on the creative planning team, and is on the board? Well, clearly I'm not in my right mind, but we already knew that!

But, we're down to the last details. Stage is set, just a few more items to add. Tickets are sold, almost. Music is practiced, as much as it ever will be. Thank you cards are written. And now I just need to doll up for the concert, and wait out a day at the office!

Two more days, then a little bit of freedom! I'm so excited for the concerts, as well and the freedom afterwards!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Life...on steroids!

Anyone who knows me, knows I like to be busy...sometimes a little too much. But my theory is that I get more done when I actually have things to do! Life is slowing down and activities are less, but I'm still managing to keep busy (are you surprised?).

Three things are keeping me busy right now.

1) Work: Currently my list has over 20 uncompleted items on it. And I didn't add them all. And more are added daily. The boss is coming in today, so I'm trying to get all those little things done for him before he gets here and leaves on vacation next week (so I'm blogging right?).

2) Choir&Orchestra: Dress rehearsel in a week. Concerts in 9 and 10 days. Freaking.Out. I'm so excited and there is so much still to do. I'm concertmaster, tickets sales (for only a portion), co-props manager, on the board, and anything else I choose to dip my fingers in (which seems to be a lot). Oh, did I mention practicing?

3) Fine Arts Summer Academy: On July 9th I'm heading to Nashville for the "Fine Arts Summer Academy" with the Annie Moses Band., just watch the video here and you'll see how much work I have to do. I'm going to focus on this more after my concert if finished, but definitely trying to squeak some solo practice in when I can.

Therefore, here is my schedule for the next week:
Tuesday (today):   Work; boss coming to town.
                              Pick up props and set up stage.
Wednesday:          Work; 2 meetings booked
                              Pick up more props and set up more of the stage.
                              Extra Rehearsal.
Thursday:              Fly to Vancouver
                              Figure out the best use of my time while not at home. Rext? Or productivity?
Friday:                   Vancouver; fly home.
Saturday:               Hike Rundle Mountain
Sunday:                 Church (I've missed the last two Sundays! Terrible person...)
                              Practice perhaps
Monday:               Work. Concert Prep. Practice
Tuesday:               Work. Dress Rehearsel!! Massive set up time!
Wednesday:          Work. Last minute preps for concerts. Probably some panic moments.
Thursday:              CONCERT! Forget excited!
Friday:                  CONCERT! Sad and relieved because it is over...

Welcome to my life. After that begins Arts Academy prep in full force. But, I'm pretty must stoked about it all! Now I just need to survive on less sleep and we'll be in business.

Over and out to get all that work for the boss done.

p.s. Please, please, please, if you want tickets for my concert, I can hook you up! You don't want to miss it!